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Friday, September 28, 2012

The Road to Intuition

Have you had that experience when all of a sudden you just had this huge hunch that something is about to happen, and to your surprise, that intuition was eventually translated to reality?

When you feel strongly about something without logical basis to it, that's called intuition. It comes in three impressions: clairvoyance or "the third eye", sensing clearly and feeling through listening.

Clairvoyance is when your eye goes beyond what it can see. This is when you know what is happening somewhere.

Sensing clearly is basically what we refer to as "hunch" or "gut feel." This is the time when you are overwhelmed with a feeling and you can't explain it and all you can say is "I just know."

On the other hand, feeling through listening or clairaudience is being able to "listen" between the lines. Intuition also happens at times when a certain sound, whatever it is - be it a car's honk or a bird's twitting - ushers in an intense feeling.

They say only a number of people are gifted with intuition. Astrologers even insist that people born under the Scorpio or Pisces signs are naturally intuitive it almost borders on E.S.P. But studies have been sprouting left and right that proclaim that anyone can develop intuition.

Why the need to develop intuition, you ask? Why not let your emotional and psychological state as it is? First and foremost, intuition promotes good communication. It makes you more sensitive to the people around you; it often keeps you from hurting those you love because you are intuitive enough to understand them. Intuition also makes you far more creative than ever. Intuition means releasing more creative juices for any means of expression. Lastly, intuition has a healing power. This healing power is not in the physical sense, but in delving deep into your soul to eradicate some negative energy buried in it.

With that being said, are you ready to develop your intuition? Here are some ways to unlock this gift:

1. Hypnosis

Oh yes, get yourself hypnotized. Hypnosis is not limited to watching a pendulum move back and forth. Perform self-hypnosis or you can avail of hypnotic programs that can strengthen your intuition.

2. Meditation

Meditating means finding peace in yourself. If your mind and heart are cluttered with too many baggage and hurt,  you wouldn't be able to quiet down that part of you that could eventually initiate intuition. There are so many ways to meditate: take a yoga class, or just simply practice some breathing that could bring you straight to Zen.

3. Think positive!

A worry-free, fear-free state could do so much to improve your intuitive ability. By staying positive, you attract good energy that would be able to easily recognize imminent feelings and events.

4.  Just let go.

What does this mean? If you are on the brink of making a huge decision, let go of all the inhibitions and head to a quiet place where you could find out where the letting go has brought you. Sometimes you just have to listen to the voice within you, and that voice wouldn't come out unless you let go.

5. Never expect.

After letting go of the inhibitions and all those things that stop you from thinking and feeling clearly, never expect for an answer right away. Never expect that the "hunch" would fall on your lap immediately. Give it a little time then you'd just get surprised that -- wham! -- now you have your answer.

6. Believe in your first impressions.

When you see someone for the first time and think that he is a bit too arrogant for your taste, chances are that impression actually holds true. Most of the time, first impressions are brought by intuition.

7. Stay happy!

See? All you need to be intuitive is to stay happy! Happiness attracts immense power and such power includes intuition. In tapping your intuition, your motivation must be happiness and contentment. Given that premise, intuition will fall to you easily.

Intuition is helpful, because sometimes it leads you to something that cannot be achieved otherwise. A lot of lives have been saved by intuition alone. Decisions are easier done if armed by this gift. Develop intuition now and reap benefits you have never imagined.

There have been times when I realized, after the fact, that there was a strong feeling I had during a certain event that I had overlooked and disreguarded and when thinking about this later on I discovered that this was my intuition and I should have listened to it. Now that I am aware of what this is, I have a very strong intuition and now I listen for it. If something doesn't feel quite right, then it isn't. Try tapping into this part of yourself. Happy day !

Christina L Norris

Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Becoming A Healthy Eater

Being a healthy eater requires you to become both
educated and smart about what healthy eating
actually is.  Being food smart isn't about
learning to calculate grams or fat, or is it
about studying labels and counting calories.
Healthy eating is all about balanced and moderate
eating, consisting of healthy meals at least
three times per day.  Healthy eaters eat many
different types of foods, not limiting themselves
to one specific food type or food group.
Eating healthy requires quite a bit of leeway.  You
might eat too much or not enough, consume
foods that are sometimes more or less nutritious.
However, you should always fuel your body and
your brain regularly with enough food to keep
both your mind and body strong and alert.
A healthy eater is a good problem solver.  Healthy
eaters have learned to take care of themselves
and their eating with sound judgement and making
wise decisions.  Healthy eaters are always aware
of what they eat, and know the effect that it
will have on their bodies.
When someone is unable to take control of their
eating, they are also likely to get out of control
with other aspects of life as well.  They could
end up spending too much, talking too much, even
going to bed later and later. 
You should always remember that restricting food
in any way is always a bad thing.  Healthy eating
is a way of life, something that you can do to
enhance your body or your lifestyle.  If you've
thought about making your life better, healthy
eating is just the place to start.  You'll make
life easier for yourself, those around you, and
even your family. 
I find that the healthier I eat, the better I feel. With
a work out regimen added, the combination of the
two make me feel so much better both mentally and
physically. I try not to deprive myself of foods I like
because more often than not, I will fall off the
diet wagon.I am never on a diet, mostly because I don't
 need to be. You can choose to eat healthy most of the
time and still enjoy some treats now and then. Bon appetite.

Christina L Norris

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Exercise And Stress

Even though exercise may not be the most exciting
word in your vocabulary, it sure is a word with a
lot of benefits.  Participating in daily exercise
will not only make you healthier in general, but
it can also diminish the effects of stress on your
body as well.
Think about all the times you have heard someone
say "the doctor says it's stress related".  Normally
people will laugh it off, concluding that doctors
say that when they don't know the real answers or
diagnosis.  The truth of the matter is that too
much stress will play a role in many diseases.
To help increase your immune system and decrease
your stress level as well, try exercise, as movement
is the key word here.  Bending, stretching, reaching
and walking.  There's really no need to buy any
expensive equipment either, as you can implement
more movement into your daily routine and reap
the benefits.
If you like aerobic exercise, you should grab a
partner and have a blast with one of the basic
aerobic videos.  Or, you can simply go out for a
walk and enjoy spending time together.  As you
may have heard, walking really is the best overall
exercise you can do for your health.  As long as
you have a pair of walking shoes, you'll be
As you go through your daily activities, make it
a point to walk a little farther, bend down and
pick something up without using a pick up stick
or moving the item towards you with your foot. 
While you are sitting, you should also do some
simple and quick stretches for your neck and
If you enjoy sitting around watching television,
you should consider buying a jogging board. 
These padded boards will make running, jumping,
or walking in place less stressful on your knees
and joints.  They are easy to store as well and
also very portable.
In many people's opinions, jogging boards are
the best pieces of equipment you can buy.  They
are also far cheaper than bulky treadmills and
stationary bikes.
There are several different exercises that you
can do to help you eliminate the stress in
your life.  Walking is by far the best, as you
can easily lose yourself and your troubles by
walking.  Even if it is just around the block,
walking can do wonders for your health as well
as stress.
If you have a lot of stress in your life, you
may want to consider a gym.  Working out then
sitting in the sauna is also a good way to
relieve tension.  If your gym has a pool, you
may find swimming to be very beneficial as well,
as it helps you to relax.
I exercise three times a week consistently and have
found it to improve my moods. I feel refreshed afterwards
and it has really helped me through stressful events and
depression. The challenge is the battle of making yourself
get out there and do it. I do it even if I don't feel well, I feel
guilty when I don't do it. Good luck and stay healthy.

Christina L Norris

Saturday, September 15, 2012

Operating a Successful Candle Making Business

Making candles can be great fun. Some people choose to take their love of this art and make money doing what they enjoy spending their time on. There are many areas of the candle making business you need to consider before embarking on such an adventure. Knowing how to make quality candles isn't enough. You need to educate yourself on ways to promote your candles, ordering supplies, offering customer service, and determining a price for your candles.


We all know candles are a very popular item, so the market for such products is out there. However, that market can't purchase your candles if they don't know about it. You will need to establish a plan including where you plan to sell your candles, and then come up with a handle of ways to get attention to them. There are many places to sell candles. You can do so from your own home or rent space at craft shows. Often word of mouth will result in orders. You can also choose to advertise on the internet.


Advertising online can be expensive, but it doesn't have to be. Write about your business on a blog or purchase services from a web hosting company. They often offer excellent tools for setting up a web page and directing traffic to your site. In addition, they provide the shopping cart and even credit card processing for you. Most web hosting companies charge $20 per month, which isn't a bad investment.


Placing your candles on Ebay or other online auction sites is a great way to generate sales. As you accumulate feedback for selling a quality product you will get more buyers. Before you can do any advertising, you will need to decide what types of candles to sell. You will generate more sells if you show pictures of your work with each type of candle you sell. People buying candles want to visualize the product they are purchasing. Once your business starts turning a profit, consider buying supplies in large quantities to get a discount.


The secret to being a successful candle making business is selling the product at a fair enough price that the consumer will buy it. Yet you also need to cover the cost of your time and supplies, while making a reasonable profit. Don't be tempted to cut corners on the quality of your supplies as this can greatly alter the quality of your product. Once the word is out that your quality is poor, you will have a hard time maintaining sales.


To generate business, offer promotions. You can offer free shipping for your candle products at the online auction sites to have an advantage over the competition. Many auction surfers will buy a product with free shipping over one with low shipping. You can also offer a free candle with the purchase of three or even to send a personalized card if the buyer is going to use the candle as a gift.


Many successful candle making companies offer personalized service. This means customers can ask for a particular type of candle in a color and you will make it for them. This often costs the customer more, but they are likely willing to pay it. Make sure you communicate well with your customers and know exactly what they want before committing to such a project.


Every business experiences issues that come up. This is to be expected. Customers are likely to be more forgiving of such issues if they are provided with quality customer service. Make sure customers have a way to get into contact with you. Work out a resolution to any issues that you will both be happy with. It is best to outline return policies on your website as well so that there is a place customers can review such information.


Choosing to start your own business is a wonderful and exciting time. Selling your own candles gives you a business where you can be proud of the quality product you are making. Taking the time to learn the basics of the business before jumping in will help ensure this is a fun business venture for you and hopefully one that is going to be quite profitable.


Personally, I love candles, especially  the stronger scented ones. Yankee candles are my favorite so this is another thing to consider when making candles. There is nothing more annoying than a candle that does not have a smell while burning. Make your candles to suit the customers preference. Some people have a sensitivity to certain strong scents and may prefer a candle with a milder scent.


Enjoy ! Wishing you much success !


Christina L Norris

Thursday, September 13, 2012

The essential keys to self improvement and motivation


What are the three keys to self improvement and motivation?
Inspiration is critical to staying motivated and improving oneself. If you are not interested in your business, your motivation level will never be high and you will not be able to sustain interest for very long.
Take an honest look at your inspiration level. Are you excited about going to work or is it an obligation? You would be surprised at the number of people who choose a business that looks good on paper, but in reality does not interest them in the least.
These individuals will grow weary and uninterested pretty quickly because they have no inspiration or passion to sustain them during the difficult times they will encounter as a small business owner.
If you do not like your work, then think how you can re-focus your small business to better match your needs. Or consider making a change entirely. Without inspiration, there will not be motivated to even try self improvement.
Short and long-term goal setting is vital for any business owner. If you do not set goals, you would have no definite purpose on which path of self improvement to take.
How could you possibly be motivated if you were unsure about the direction of your company?
Take the time to put your goals in writing. A business plan may sound daunting, but it is really nothing more than goals, strategies, implementation and a budget. Write your own business plan and update it at least annually.
Include "mini-goals" that can be accomplished in a matter of hours, days or weeks as well as the more ambitious "grand-goals" that may take years to complete. Refer to this plan throughout the year.
But can a business plan really help motivate you? Of course. Written goals will make you feel more professional and certainly more connected to your business. It will also free you from having to reinvent your business goals every single day.
Another key factor in getting and staying motivated is networking with other small business owners. No one person knows all the knowledge.
However, when a number of people begin working together, the challenges will just be there waiting to be conquered.
In fact, the isolation of working alone is of one the most difficult parts of being an entrepreneur. You can never be on your way to self improvement without the help of others.  Mutual support is motivating.
Make it easier on yourself by connecting with others either in your community or online. Even when businesses are not related, you will often find common ground and ways to work together.
Many successful entrepreneurs report that finding the right networking group was a turning point in the growth of the business. Working together, a networking group can help its members generate more qualified sales leads and solve problems faster and more efficiently.
Sharing ideas, expertise and experience is also an invaluable aspect of motivation and self improvement.
Your own personal team of business owners will help re-energize you when the burdens of running your own business seem too much.
With your networking team to rely on, you can accomplish more in less time and probably have more fun in the process. You will feel motivated to accomplish self improvement when you know you are not alone.
 Also, If plan A doesn't work, there are 26 more letters in the alphabet. Don't ever give up. Follow your heart, dreams, and passions. It's all in the way you look at things. Stay positive. Move through each step with the vision that you already have what you seek and desire.
Peace and blessings.
Christina L Norris

Monday, September 10, 2012


No woman is worthy to be a wife who on the day of her marriage is not lost absolutely and entirely in an atmosphere of love and perfect trust; the supreme sacredness of the relation is the only thing which, at the time, should possess her soul. 

Women should not "obey" men anymore than men should obey women. There are six requisites in every happy marriage; the first is Faith, and the remaining five are Confidence. Nothing so compliments a man as for a woman to believe in him nothing so pleases a woman as for a man to place confidence in her.

Obey? God help me! Yes, if I loved a woman, my whole heart's desire would be to obey her slightest wish. And how could I love her unless I had perfect confidence that she would only aspire to what was beautiful, true and right? And to enable her to realize this ideal, her wish would be to me a sacred command; and her attitude of mind toward me I know would be the same. And the only rivalry between us would be as to who could love the most; and the desire to obey would be the one controlling impulse of our lives.

We gain freedom by giving it, and he who bestows faith gets it back with interest. To bargain and stipulate in love is to lose.

Perfect faith implies perfect love; and perfect love casteth out fear. It is always the fear of imposition, and a lurking intent to rule, that causes the woman to haggle over a word it is absence of love, a limitation, an incapacity. The price of a perfect love is an absolute and complete surrender.

To give a man something for nothing tends to make the individual dissatisfied with himself.

Your enemies are the ones you have helped.

And when an individual is dissatisfied with himself he is dissatisfied with the whole world and with you.

A man's quarrel with the world is only a quarrel with himself. But so strong is this inclination to lay blame elsewhere and take credit to ourselves, that when we are unhappy we say it is the fault of this woman or that man. Especially do women attribute their misery to That Man.

And often the trouble is he has given her too much for nothing.

This truth is a reversible, back-action one, well lubricated by use, working both ways as the case may be.

That form of affection which drives sharp bargains and makes demands, gets a check on the bank in which there is no balance.

There is nothing so costly as something you get for nothing.